Aerobiologia do pólen das Cupressáceas em Portugal.
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Airborne food and aeroallergens levels in healthcare settings. An unaccounted but potentially relevant source of exposure?
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Exposure assessment in one central hospital: A multi-approach protocol to achieve an accurate risk characterization.
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Indoor air pollution, physical and comfort parameters related to schoolchildren's health: Data from the European SINPHONIE study.
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Sensitisation to aeroallergens in relation to asthma and other allergic diseases in Angolan children: a cross-sectional study.
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Whole" vs "fragmented" approach to EAACI pollen season definitions: A multicenter study in six Southern European cities.
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Molecular sensitization profile to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus dust mite in Portugal. Limão R, Spínola Santos A, Araújo L, Cosme J, Inácio F, Tomaz E, Ferrão A, Santos N, Sokolova A, Môrete A, Falcão H, Cunha L, Ferreira A, Bras A, Ribeiro F, Lozoya C, Leiria Pinto P, Prates S, Plácido J, Coimbra A, Taborda-Barata L, Pereira Santos MC, Pereira Barbosa M, Pineda F.
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Blood or skin: what is best in predicting cow's milk allergy diagnosis?
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Characterization of population of patients with fish allergy and contribution of recombinant Parvalbumin Gad c 1 in diagnosis and prognosis.
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Development of a screening questionnaire for the study of food allergy in adults
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Food allergy – from food avoidance to active treatment.
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Impact of a web-based program to improve food allergy management in schools and restaurants.
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Prevalence and clinical features of adverse food reactions in Portuguese adolescents.
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Quail egg anaphylaxis with tolerance to hen egg: a case of occupational exposure.
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Tree nuts anaphylaxis in preschool age children.
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Acute pancreatitis in the context of abdominal attack of hereditary angioedema.
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Allergic contact dermatitis to decyl glucoside: Still an important allergen in Tinosorb M.
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Angioedema associado aos fármacos inibidores do eixo renina-angiotensina-aldosterona: Experiência do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental.
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Angioedema por processionária - um caso clínico atípico.
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Antihistamine-resistant chronic spontaneous urticaria remains undertreated: 2-year data from the AWARE study.
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Atopic dermatitis host and environment model: revisiting therapeutic options.
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Autologous serum skin test reactions in chronic spontaneous urticaria differ from heterologous cell reactions.
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Definition, aims, and implementation of GA2LEN/HAEi Angioedema Centers of Reference and Excellence.
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Eczema herpeticum: A propósito de um caso clínico.
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Edema labial recorrente: Qual o seu diagnóstico?
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How to Treat Patients with Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria with Omalizumab: Questions and Answers.
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Omalizumab treatment during SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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Refractory chronic urticaria in adults: clinical characterization and predictors of severity.
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Sindrome paraneopla?sica com urtica?ria e angioedema associado a carcinoma de ce?lulas renais.
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Viola Duet: a rare case of double sensitization to contact allergens in a professional musician.
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Allergy to beta-lactam antibiotics in children: Risk factors for a positive diagnostic work-up
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Análise de um modelo preditivo para o diagnóstico de alergia a fármacos baseado na história clínica.
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Caso clínico: hipersensibilidade tardia ao budesonido inalado
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Caso de reação de hipersensibilidade a fármaco de emergência médica – Novo protocolo de dessensibilização.
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Diagnostic testing for penicillin allergy: A survey of practices and cost perceptions.
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Drug-induced anaphylaxis: an update on epidemiology and risk factors.
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Fixed drug eruption on the tongue due to naproxen.
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Hipersensibilidade a corticosteroides – Uma revisão.
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Identifying SJS/TEN using ICD-9-CM coding-Real or just fantasy?
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Insights into hypersensitivity reactions in dentistry.
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Kounis syndrome - Report of 4 cases.
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Mycoplasma-induced rash and mucositis with toxic epidermal necrolysis-like progression.
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Multiple Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome to Antituberculosis Drugs: A Case Report.
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Psychological profiles of patients with suspected drug allergy.
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Rapid desensitization to antineoplastic drugs in an outpatient immunoallergology clinic: Outcomes and risk factors.
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Skin tests and challenge-bsed drug allergy diagnosis: a retrospective study of patients with confirmed drug allergy.
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Allergic sensitization to storage dust mites: a prospective study of patients with respiratory allergy.
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Pollen proteases play multiple roles in allergic disorders.
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Subcutaneous immunotherapy with aeroallergens - Safety profile assessment.
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Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol. 2021 Mar 16 (PUBLICAÇÃO ONLINE EM 2020)
Subcutaneous immunotherapy with aeroallergens - Evaluation of adherence in real life.
Lourenco T, Fernandes M, Coutinho C, Lopes A, Spínola Santos A, Neto M, Pereira Barbosa M.
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Abordagem diagnóstica e terapêutica das mastocitoses - Uma proposta de orientação clínica.
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Rev Port Imunoalergologia 2020; 28 (1): 31-49
Anafilaxia periparto recorrente como manifestação de mastocitose sistémica.
Moura AL, Regateiro F, Alen Coutinho I, Mota DS, Paiva A, Todo-Bom A, Faria E.
Rev Port Imunoalergologia 2020; 28 (4): 241-246
Anaphylaxis in an emergency department: a retrospective 10-year study in a tertiary hospital.
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Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol 2020 Jan; 52 (1): 23-3
Anaphylaxis: a decade of a nationwide allergy society registry.
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J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2020 Jul 30; 0.
Characterization of the sensitization profile of bee venom allergic patients - Association with the severity of reaction?
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Cutaneous manifestations in pediatric mastocytosis.
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Evolution of Api m10 specific IgE and IgG4 after one year of bee venom immunotherapy.
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Adesão à terapêutica na asma.
Martins M, Cardoso B, Farinha S, Reis R, Tomaz E, Inácio F.
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ARIA-EAACI statement on Asthma and COVID-19 (June 2, 2020).
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Allergy. 2021 Mar;76(3):689-697. (PUBLICAÇÃO ONLINE EM 2020)
Asma e COVID-19: Atualização.
Carvalho JC, Coutinho IA, Nunes I, Moura AL, Regateiro FS.
Rev Port Imunoalergologia.2020, 28 (2), 97-109
Association between the density and type of trees around urban schools and exhaled nitric oxide levels in schoolchildren.
Paciência I, Cavaleiro Rufo J, Ribeiro AI, Mendes FC, Farraia M, Silva D, Delgado L, Moreira A.
Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol. 2021 Jan;53(1):29-36. (PUBLICAÇÃO ONLINE EM 2020)
Asthma and COPD "overlap": a treatable trait or common several treatable-traits?
Gaspar Marques J, Lobato M, Leiria-Pinto P, Neuparth N, Carreiro Martins P.
Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol., 2020;52(4): 148-159.
Asthma management with breath-triggered inhalers: innovation through design.
Morais-Almeida M, Pité H, Cardoso J, Costa R, Cordeiro CR, Silva E, Todo-Bom A, Vicente C, Marques JA.
Asthma Res Pract. 2020 Jun 6; 6:4
Asthma app use and interest among patients with asthma: a multicenter study.
Jácome C, Almeida R, Pereira AM, Araújo L, Correia MA, Pereira M, Couto M, Lopes C, Chaves Loureiro C, Catarata MJ, Santos LM, Ramos B, Mendes A, Pedro E, Cidrais Rodrigues JC, Oliveira G, Aguiar AP, Arrobas AM, Costa J, Dias J, Todo Bom A, Azevedo J, Ribeiro C, Alves M, Pinto PL, Neuparth N, Palhinha A, Marques JG, Martins P, Trincão D, Neves A, Todo Bom F, Santos MA, Branco J, Loyoza C, Costa A, Silva Neto A, Silva D, Vasconcelos MJ, Teixeira MF, Ferreira-Magalhães M, Taborda Barata L, Carvalhal C, Santos N, Pinto CS, Rodrigues Alves R, Moreira AS, Morais Silva P, Fernandes R, Ferreira R, Alves C, Câmara R, Ferraz de Oliveira J, Bordalo D, Calix MJ, Marques A, Nunes C, Menezes F, Gomes R, Almeida Fonseca J; INSPIRERS group.
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2020; Vol 30(2) : 137-140
Bronchodilator responsiveness in healthy children: Insights from a cross-sectional study. Rama TA, Martins C, Paciência I, Cavaleiro Rufo J, Silva D, Castro Mendes F, Severo M, Padrão P, Moreira P, Delgado L, Moreira A.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2021 Feb;32(2):371-373. (PUBLICAÇÃO ONLINE EM 2020)
Combined image-based approach for monitoring the adherence to inhaled medications.
Vieira Marques P, Fonseca Teixeira J, Valente J, Pinho B, Guedes R, Almeida R, Jacome C, Pereira A, Jacinto T, Amaral R, Goncalves I, Sá Sousa Ana, Couto M, Pereira M, Magalhaes M, Bordalo D, Nogueira Silva L, Almeida Fonseca J.
XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing – MEDICON 2019. MEDICON 2019. IFMBE Proceedings, 2020, vol 76. Springer, Cham
Correlation between work impairment, scores of rhinitis severity and asthma using the MASK-Air (r) app
Bédard A, Antó JM, Fonseca JA, Arnavielhe S, Bachert C, Bedbrook A, Bindslev-Jensen C, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Cardona V, Cruz AA, Fokkens WJ, Garcia-Aymerich J, Hellings PW, Ivancevich JC, Klimek L, Kuna P, Kvedariene V, Larenas-Linnemann D, Melén E, Monti R, Mösges R, Mullol J, Papadopoulos NG, Pham-Thi N, Samolinski B, Tomazic PV, Toppila-Salmi S, Ventura MT, Yorgancioglu A, Bousquet J, Pfaar O, Basagaña X; MASK study group (incluindo Carreiro Martins P, Correia de Sousa J, Lourenço O, Pereira AM, Rosado Pinto J, Todo-Bom A)
Allergy, 2020, Volume 75, Issue 7, JUL, Pages 1672-1688 (17)
Cross-cultural validation of the Portuguese from Portugal version of the Test for Respiratory and Asthma Control in Kids questionnaire.
Leiria-Pinto P, Marques J, Finelli E, Alves C, Alves M, Trincão D, Pinto N, Carreiro-Martins P, Papoila AL, Neuparth N
Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020 Nov 12
Dietary diversity and childhood asthma-Dietary acid load, an additional nutritional variable to consider.
Cunha P, Moreira A, Moreira P, Delgado L.
Allergy 2020; Vol. 75( 9): 2418-2420
Eosinófilos e IL-5 – Novos horizontes no tratamento da asma e outras doenças eosinofílicas.
Martins dos Santos G, Prates P, Leiria-Pinto P.
Rev Port Imunoalergologia 2020; 28 (4): 207-216
Genome-wide association study of asthma exacerbations despite inhaled corticosteroids use.
Hernandez-Pacheco N, Vijverberg SJ, Herrera-Luis E, Li J, Sio YY, Granell R, Corrales A, Maroteau C, Lethem R, Perez-Garcia J, Farzan N, Repnik K, Gorenjak M, Soares P, Karimi L, Schieck M, Pérez-Méndez L, Berce V, Tavendale R, Eng C, Sardon O, Kull I, Mukhopadhyay S, Pirmohamed M, Verhamme KMC, Burchard EG, Kabesch M, Hawcutt DB, Melén E, Poto?nik U, Chew FT, Tantisira KG, Turner S, Palmer CN, Flores C, Pino-Yanes M, Maitland-van der Zee AH on behalf of the PiCA and SysPharmPedia consortia
European Respiratory Journal 2020
Higher diversity of vegetable consumption is associated with less airway inflammation and prevalence of asthma in school-aged children.
de Castro Mendes F, Paciência I, Cavaleiro Rufo J, Farraia M, Silva D, Padrão P, Delgado L, Garcia-Larsen V, Moreira A, Moreira P.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2021 Jan 4. (PUBLICAÇÃO ONLINE EM 2020)
Human volatilome analysis using eNose to assess uncontrolled asthma in a clinical setting.
Farraia M, Cavaleiro Rufo J, Paciência I, Mendes FC, Rodolfo A, Rama T, Rocha SM, Delgado L, Brinkman P, Moreira A.
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Identificar clusters de controlo da asma: Uma análise preliminar dos estudos Inspirers
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The inflammatory potential of diet impacts the association between air pollution and childhood asthma.
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Effects of Exercise on the Skin Epithelial Barrier of Young Elite Athletes-Swimming Comparatively to Non-Water Sports Training Session.
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A new terminal nonsense mutation of the Cathepsin C gene in a patient with atypical Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome.
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ARIA 2019: um percurso assistencial integrado para a rinite alérgica em Portugal.
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ARIA digital anamorphosis: Digital transformation of health and care in airway diseases from research to practice.
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Effects of indoor endocrine-disrupting chemicals on childhood rhinitis
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Real-life assessment of chronic rhinosinusitis patients using mobile technology: the mySinusitisCoach Project by EUFOREA
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The potential role of peak nasal inspiratory flow to evaluate active sinonasal inflammation and disease severity
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Treatment of allergic rhinitis during and outside the pollen season using mobile technology. A MASK study
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Validation of app and phone versions of the Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test (CARAT)
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An investigation of cross-reactivity between the poultry red mite and house dust and storage mites in dogs with contact with chickens infested with red mites.
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Colostrum as the speed up key for ruminant newborn: what do we know and should further characterize.
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Improving primary care management of asthma: Do we know what really works?
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Respiratory medicine curriculum in Portuguese family medicine training: a Delphi study.
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